Weather forecast for Aunglan and surrounding areas for 23-06-2020

Weather forecast for Aunglan and surrounding areas for 23-06-2020

Temperature forecast

Maximum temperature = 33°C
Minimum temperature = 25°C

Estimated hourly temperature

Morning: 00:00 = 27°C
02:00 am = 26°C
04:00 am = 25°C
07:00 am = 26°C
09:00 am = 29°C
11:00 am = 31°C
Noon 12:00 pm = 32°C
Afternoon 01:00 pm = 33°C
03:00 pm = 32°C
06:00 pm = 31°C
08:00 pm = 30°C
10:00 pm = 29°C

Cloud & Rain forecast

There will be moderate to cloudy skies throughout the day. Mostly it will be nice.

Wind forecast

Southwest monsoon is expected to reach a maximum of three kilometres per hour. From the southeast, winds can reach a maximum of thirteen kilometres per hour and the air pressure is 1008 hPa.

Weather - Aung Lan (NGO)
